Yah anyway, bagaimanapun sepinya kos di malam Minggu, you can always find me there haha. ya, sebagai mahasiswi semester 2 yang masih nekat ngambil 24 sks (yang bisa diartikan 32 sks di universitas lain) dan tiap hari memandangi to-do list yang tak kunjung habis, rasanya sayang menghabiskan malam Minggu dengan bepergian. Toh kemarin malam aku udah sempet belanja di Metro, Mal Taman Anggrek *blame those "DISCOUNT UP TO 50%" banner!"* Jadi malam Minggu jadi saat buat menyelesaikan tugas-tugas yay!
I wrote all the tasks that I have on a post-it which I stick to the wall, everytime I finish one task, I would be very glad to cross it out, haha.
But I kinda feel bored tonight, guess I'm gonna continue watching "A Crazy Little Thing Called Love" tonight, after I finish this Aplikom presentation *yeah only if I can resist the temptation to watch the dvd*
Being alone on Saturday night is not that bad at all :)
Enjoy your Sat-night~